Voice Alex is one of the most popular voices and you can use it if you don’t want to spend too much time on trying other voices. Outcome: mac-text-to-speech-tts-demo-victoria.aiff Outcome: mac-text-to-speech-tts-demo-bruce.aiff Outcome: mac-text-to-speech-tts-demo-alex.aiff Say -v Alex 'Using Text to Speech (TTS), you can have Alex and other Mac voices speak selected text so you can hear a word as you see it onscreen.' -o mac-text-to-speech-tts-demo-alex.aiff Here is sample output for text “Using Text to Speech (TTS), you can have Alex and other Mac voices speak selected text so you can hear a word as you see it onscreen.” using various voices: Using say with voice Alex and output audio to a file (default format aiff):.In case you need bigger pause repeat comma e.g. Use say to pronounce “Hello world” with default voice:.This is pretty handy to generate audio file given the text. It also lets to generate an audio file in various formats and voices.
Mac lets you convert text to speech using command line utility “say”.